حملة التوعية بالإيدز- السعودية

I developed and implemented this challenging campaign in 1991-1992, sponsored by Unicef (KSA) and WHO (EMRO), in collaboration with the Saudi Ministry of Health. The campaign addressed this culturally sensitive subject delicately and built upon supportive cultural norms. It consisted of booklets, pamphlets as well as TV spots that were aired on Saudi national TV.

This multi-media campaign aimed to raise awareness and induce correct knowledge of AIDS prevention. The famous Saudi comedian Nasser El Kassaby played the leading role in a mini-series of 15 TV spots (one minute each) that was aired for one month.

A baseline and follow up evaluation studies revealed that 81% of TV viewers watched the spots, and interest in learning about AIDS increased from 16% before the campaign to 99% after only one month of airing the spots on TV. The percentage of viewers who don’t know the correct ways of AIDS infection decreased from 38% before the campaign to only 3% after the campaign.

The spots can be viewed here:

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